Thursday, February 27, 2014

Elocution in P*town

AJ: "When I grow up, I'm going to get married to pizza and have pizza babies ... and then EAT them."

"When I grow up, I'm going to be in the Olympics. ... probably for America."

(In his prayer after President's Day): "We're thankful for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln." {Thank Heavens he didn't include our current Oval Office Occupant ... Adam and I wouldn't have been able to say 'Amen'.}

Aaron: "I'm going to name my kid Tyrannosaurus Rex."

(In his prayer): "Please bless that the dinosaurs will be nice and beautiful when they come back to life."

(When I asked him why he wore white socks with his suit on Sunday): "I wanted to look holy. Black doesn't look holy, but white does."

Melia: (Playing by herself with dinosaurs and Troll Dolls): "We are not evil, we are protectedly evil!"

"Mom, I had a bad dream. I already said a prayer, but Jesus is busy with AJ and Aaron!"

"I want everyone to think I am a 6-year-old, so will you call me '6-year-old Melia'? (Then later): I am 6-year-old Melia. Or maybe 10-year-old Melia...." (Deep in thought)... "How about 15-year-old Melia. Yes, that's it."