Friday, February 28, 2014

This is my first official blog for my family.  I have had a great and terrific wife that blogs regularly, but I didn't even know how.  Behind the time on technology with blogging I suppose.
Here is a bit of info from us to you.
Kristie is working away at her Masters. Hurray!!!!!!!! We are in her final semester and it is awesome.  She has been very diligent and has done well.  I will one day be as good a teacher as she is. :)
Reagan is loving dance.  She has a recital coming up in a few months.  She would dance her feet off everyday if we would let her.
We just signed Koufax up in Soccer and he is psyched.  I hope he plays better than I did as a kid... Thinking back, I remember picking dandelions, and playing tag with my friends.  That is what soccer is always about.
I am just ticking away as I always do.
I know its not much for now, but now I am on the blog and can add to it.

This happened on Thursday night at around 9pm.  I thought my tire looked alittle low when I went out to the parking lot from work.............I started home and about at Peteneet I heard a funny noise but still nothing...............It wasn't until I was about at the road to turn to Andersons when I heard this terrible sound and I knew..............I knew.................. crap...I had to hurridly find a driveway to pull into because I did not want to park on the side of the was dark, cold,wet..........need I say more.
I pulled into Gordon Turners driveway and made the dreaded call..........first the home number......ring, answer..........then the cell number...........ring, answer..........then the farm number............ring, answer....WHERE WAS MY KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR WHEN I NEED HIM...............I calmed down and called the home number again............this time....................Rindlisbachers..........Honey, I have a flat...........a big sigh on the other end.
could you come get me.........  yes, yes..after a lengthy conversation he came and we left the car there overnight............oh, my baby in someone elses driveway...........she must have been scared......ha ha
Friday morning after chores we got it fixed and she is mine again...........I am a happy driver.............
now all I have to do is pay the piper.....

p.s.  this isn't my actual tire but this is what it looked fixing that one!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Elocution in P*town

AJ: "When I grow up, I'm going to get married to pizza and have pizza babies ... and then EAT them."

"When I grow up, I'm going to be in the Olympics. ... probably for America."

(In his prayer after President's Day): "We're thankful for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln." {Thank Heavens he didn't include our current Oval Office Occupant ... Adam and I wouldn't have been able to say 'Amen'.}

Aaron: "I'm going to name my kid Tyrannosaurus Rex."

(In his prayer): "Please bless that the dinosaurs will be nice and beautiful when they come back to life."

(When I asked him why he wore white socks with his suit on Sunday): "I wanted to look holy. Black doesn't look holy, but white does."

Melia: (Playing by herself with dinosaurs and Troll Dolls): "We are not evil, we are protectedly evil!"

"Mom, I had a bad dream. I already said a prayer, but Jesus is busy with AJ and Aaron!"

"I want everyone to think I am a 6-year-old, so will you call me '6-year-old Melia'? (Then later): I am 6-year-old Melia. Or maybe 10-year-old Melia...." (Deep in thought)... "How about 15-year-old Melia. Yes, that's it."

Monday, February 24, 2014

Prolific Peacocks

Nia: AAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!  In a very high pitched yell....'nuff said!

He told me the other day...."Mom you need to have a baby for Nia.  She needs to have a baby too!"

Look Mom!  It's t hundred!.....too

I'm going to create a NEW planet...planet T...(said in a creepy Gollum voice)...the black planet of death!

That is making me soooo FUSTERATED!

Judge: Well I think he wins with his wonderfully literate phrase of "You born me that way!"

Awkward!........that's it....just that word thrown out at weird intervals.

Raiden: I akema Udgeja adma yba peekingsa igpa atinla!  (of course this makes mom and dad mad)

omma, omma, ahhh!....sounds a lot like the cry from Dragon Ball Z.

Hallie: Well I didn't think I would be putting one for myself...but wouldn't you know...

Ender wanted to say the prayer in primary on Sunday and wanted help to get started I helped him by saying...We believe in being......and that is when I let daddy take over....

Kale: Xishuangbanna!   (the new cool phrase...everyone is saying it!)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Happiest Birthday

We wanted to wish our little baby bro the happiest of birthdays!
Ain't he the adorable one?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Crazy things we Say!!!

Deron: #1 Tyson said to Deron that mom was sick and Deron responds "The baby threw up in moms tummy?"
          #2 Tyson and Kids play a game in the car where they pick a letter from the alphabet and say as many words as they can think of that starts with that letter.  The letter was V.  Deron came up with Vag.  Tyson very confused asked again and Deron said Vag.  Tyson told Deron to ask mom when they got home and Deron did so.  I was very confused as to why Deron would be using slang words for a woman body part.  I asked him to explain to me what that was and he says, "you know what cops where a vag!"  I am so happy to know that our law enforcement is wearing a vag proudly on their uniforms!!!

Mckell:  Mckell will frequently fall asleep in the car and the other night she fell asleep right before we got home.  Tyson and I loudly woke her up and she gave us the most confused look.  We told her "we are home, undo your seatbelt and let's go inside."  She began freaking out and kept saying "I can't find it, I can't find it."  We told her to press the red button and she frantically tried to escape her seat belt as if it were a python squeezing her.  Deron finally reached over and undid her seat belt for her and she jumped forward and turned around and stared at the seat like it was a mysterious creature that had captured her.  It was so much funnier in person but we had to share this one.

Tyson: #1 To Deron, "Get up off your plate and grab your chair and put it in the sink!"
           #2 We were cooking a boxed dinner, and I had just put the noodles in the liquid.  Tyson became really confused because he didn't understand how I was going to drain the water out of the noodles.  I told him I don't have to strain any fluid out it cooks in it.  "But where does all the water go?" He asks!!!!!!!!!!!  About 30 seconds later he came to his senses and understood what he had just asked me......   :D

Loni: I woke up in the middle of the night and told Tyson that his stalking was on the shelf, followed by asking where did my bike go?  I want to ride my bike, where did it go?........... His laughter woke me fully as I glared at him and he continued to ask me again what I had said.  Embarrassed and tired I said never mind and rolled over to sleep!!!!!  CRAZY


I came across this blog post and wanted to share it here.  I fully agree with what this woman has to say, and I think it applies to each and every one of us.  Here's to melting some of the layers of ice, eh?

What Frozen Is Really About

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ok, Ok.  I know this cat does not look happy and it does for a very good reason.
Poor thing.  It misses Hallie and Kales Hello family from "The Cat"
I broke down and have been buying food for the poor thing for the winter but as
winter is over MICE beware the CAT is BACK.   But the reason this cat looks
kinda mad, sad, annoyed, upset is I accidently shut his tail in the car door.. I did
not even ask him if he wanted a ride............da....But he happen to have his tail
up as I was closing the door with my elbow and the next thing I know......
You will be happy to know I did not close the door hard.....
But he was up and about this morning so I guess I did no permanant damage.
  But he misses Hallie and her family and if I can keep him around he will be here
when she visits this summer........
now on to the events for the month.    Paul and I had a fantastic Valentines date.
I worked, he worked...we had pizza and a drink and watched a movie and that was it.
Were you expecting something more???  He got pop, candy mix, nuts, and crackers and
I got nuts and a new phone....such love birds I know. 
Hope all is well and Happy birthday this month to Kale, Tyson and Justin.
Love ya all!!

Happy Birthday Tyson!

Happy Birthday to one awesome stepdad!  We are so happy to have you in our family!  Hope your day is the greatest!!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Birthday

Just wanted to wish Kale a Happy Birthday today, and hope that all you love birds out there had a great Valentine's Day!!!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Kids say the Darndedst things!

I thought for this month it would be fun to put a quote, phrase...anything funny or outlandish that our kids are saying with their pictures this month.  Let's see whose kids are saying what!

For example....we were doing a family activity and Kale did something...don't ask me I don't remember....and I asked him why they would do that...he said, "Well because we are afraid of their mother!"  So I asked the kids if they were afraid of me....and you get that "Noooooo!" that they might as well be nodding their heads yes to.  And Ender not even skipping a beat after they had said that, spoke up saying, "Well only a lot!"