Friday, November 2, 2007

Tricks N Treats and Stitches too!

Heya everyone! I thought I would post the first official participant post. I thought I would put my photos on here instead of on the family newsletter and see how it went. As you will see the kids had a fun time for Halloween. I also put on, at Raiden's insistence, proof of his war wound and how brave he is. As you can tell, Raiden was a Ninja Turtle (no masks at school so the green hair and red face paint), Judge was an uncooperative dragon, and Ender was Simba (so says Judge).


Justin said...

NOw what exactly happened to Raiden?

Hallie said...

They were playing a game in music class or gym class, not sure which, and in the excitement he tripped and hit his head. That is what I have been told. He hit it on the piano bench.

Misty said...

So did he get his stitches before or after Halloween? It looks like they would make a great addition to his costume!

Hallie said...

He got the stitches after Halloween. Doesn't that just bite?

Anonymous said...

Hallie, I am here tending McKell today and Misty got me on this site.
it is to darn fun. I will have to get with the game and contribute.

By the way. the song had to be for Justin.
Raiden looked so cute in the turtle costume and Judge i the dragon one and cute little Ender in the Simba outfit.
cute, cute, cute.

Hallie said...

Now did you listen to all the songs? There are six on there...