Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Six Months!!!

Ender announces.... He is proud to share with all that he has been here on earth six months today. He still is short, round, and can't talk, but boy can he find fun things to do. Like spitting cereal, chewing on everything, jumping in his johnny-jump-up, and making his all famous raspberries.

Makes you wonder why we all can't find the simple joy in life like a baby huh? But he is a happy and wise six month old. Or at least we think he must be wise. How else would you explain his being able to get anyone to do anything for him?


Misty said...

Yay, congrats! Sounds like he, AJ and Aaron would have a lot of fun together...jumping, biting and spitting cereal are their favorite things to do, too! What are the chances that they'd have so much in common?? :)

Misty said...

By the by...
was Ender born on the 19th or the 20th? I can't remember.

Hallie said...

the 19th