Friday, July 18, 2014

So the very last part of June was the annual Rindlisbacher Reunion at the Spanish Fork Pool and this year instead of the mad dash to get in line for food each family was to bring their own picnic.
I must say it was alot easier on Uncle Jay and Maureen and the men....(Usually Paul and Lynn)
who got to cook the meat only to run out of it...

Boy when you say strike a pose to Adam and his kids............THEY STRIKE A POSE!!
Of course this is L to R  AJ  Adam, Melia and Aaron...

We were happy to see Quincy and Jamie there too.  I think Kendyll and Keaton had a blast playing with their cousins in the pool.

Nia, Kale, Raiden, Ender, Judge, Hallie and (unhappy) Jenner, were all excited to be able to attend the swimming party and visit with relatives while they were here this summer from Alaska.
The suprises and tense moments were when Jenner decided he had to pee and found a corner of the
park to do his business..........grandma noticed first and we all joined in laughter that he got it done........just wish he would of asked "where is the bathroom..."
Nia decided to break out of the joint and went through the gate (which was locked of course) back into the swimming pool area....grandma was the first to notice this and she just about had a heart attack before Kale went to get her............Kale....could you have run and saved us all a few gray hairs!!
He managed to talk her back to the gate but not before she got to the diving pool areas edge....
once again...........near heart attack!!

I did not get all pictures of all families.....sorry Loni..........but I did get Bentley having a nice little nap on her moms shoulder while we were eating.

It was fun to have most of the kids there.
we sure missed Kurt and Kristie and Reagan and Koufax
Justin and Kassidy and little Tinley..

hope you can all make it next year............