Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring Sensations for the Snowbound!

Okay....we weren't snowbound.  We got a lot of rain though so we didn't do much outdoors.  The kids did keep busy though....

We had several Wii tournaments.  Mostly Mario Kart.  Ender and Jenner were excited to learn how to play it with their brothers.  They didn't place so high which of course led to tears...but they did have a good time doing it....

Being boys of course they always have fun when they get going on play ground sets... usually the invader/ castle themed invasions going on...

It was fun to get out in the gym too.  We had balloons that they hit with badminton's to see who could keep theirs off the ground longest.  That is fun till someone pops theirs of course...Then it is a race to see who can pop the most...inevitable I guess...

What boy do you know who is going to give you an "I don't want to!" when they are invited to go rock climbing?  Well ours of course didn't turn us down.  We then have to face the, "But I haven't had as many turns as so and so!" that you get when it is time to be DONE!

 We might not live somewhere with a huge library anymore, but we do manage to find time to get to it.  This is the stairs leading to the school library.  The public library is in the town hall.  I still haven't snapped any photos of it...

And there you have a condensed version of our spring break.  It was fun, and of course according to them, not long enough.  But we did have a good time, and a relaxing one for the most part...

This is were the runoff from the school goes.  The boys just had to have a picture of it.  They think it is quite cool how the rain has melted it down to the ground in such a straight line.