Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It seems like just yesterday that Grandma Rindy was with us.  Can you believe it has been a year today?
3-12-13    This pictures is of AJ and Aarons birthday party in May of 2012 and I think she started going down hill after that.  We all miss her that is for sure...  I know for a fact that the men....Paul and Lynn miss her very much too.
They are still trying to adjust to farming without her.  She was a saint to feed them almost 3 meals a day for six days a week for pretty much their entire lives except when they were on their missions or maybe in college.  Bless her heart.  I am sure she is happy with grandpa Rindy once again.
Grandma we all miss you!!


Misty said...

Adam and I talked about this last night after seeing your post on facebook. It's hard to believe it's already been a year, it seems like we were just spending time with her. We're so grateful that she was so supportive of all of the kiddos' big days.