Sunday, January 26, 2014

The USU Rindy's

Well hello from the northern part of Utah.  Kassidy, Tinley and myself are doing great.  This past week we were able to take mom and dad and go visit hardware ranch.  During the winter the elk come down from the mountain and graze in the meadows.  At the ranch they have sleighs and horses that take you around to see the elk.  Tinley had fun in the beginning but she got bored and quickly fell asleep. I am still going strong at the whole school thing.  Hopefully I am getting closer and not further away from my degree.  I am still working at Sprinkler Supply and its a great job. I work about 15 hours a week with my full school schedule.  Kassidy is loving her job at Great Clips and is enjoying the environment of cutting hair and all the fun that comes with it.  Kassidy just recently celebrated her 22nd birthday, and is loving her new gym pass and the amenities that come with it.  Tinley is a happy GROWING little girl.  She just had a check up the other day and she is now a whopping 19 lbs.  She is as healthy as any other child and she loves to show it.  Recently her first tooth has popped through her gums and she now has a small little white tooth coming in.  Tinley has mastered the rolling over part of life and is now trying to take on the sitting up and crawling.  She loves her little walker so much that she occasionally falls asleep.  All is well in Logan and we are tying to survive the cold weather.  If anybody wants a place to stay when they are up way north, our doors are always open.  It may be a small apartment but we love visitors.