Friday, June 20, 2014

JUNE 1, 2012
I hope this is the only mistake I make during the month of June.
Please forgive me Justin and Kassidy for not posting on the family
blog a very important and special day for you.  It has been 2 years
since we have been lucky enough to have Kassidy join the Rindlisbacher Family.
What a Blessing you are Kassidy and you compliment Justin very nicely.
In those two short years Justin and Kassidy have been  blessed with a darling
daughter....Tinley Ann.  What a sweetheart.  We love you Tinley!
And of course Tinley has taken up some of grandma Lona's hobbies like
tangling her yarn to make dish cloths.  Little Stinker!!
And what girl doesn't like to go shopping...Even with Daddy.
Good job Justin to help out while Kassidy is at work..
They share the responsibility of being the entertainer to this little one while
the other goes to work.  You are lucky that your schedules work out that way.

Once again I hope with all my heart that your second anniversary was a special,
fun time and may you have many more through out all the Eternities!!
Love you both!!