Monday, March 17, 2008

Feel free to sing along....

Happy Happy Birthday, Judgie Dear!
Happy days will come to you all year.
If we had one wish then it would be:
A Happy Happy Birthday to you from us!

Hope you have a great day!
Love, Your Cool Cousins,
AJ & Aaron
(And our Mom and Dad)


Anonymous said...

hey, i actually got connected on to this comment site (with the help of a phone call to misty)
(I cheated)
anyway, I just want to wish happy birthday to all this month and boy, do we have a few.
happy birthday to Judge on the 17th who happens to be our little st. paddy celebrity.
happy birthday to Kristie on the 18th. we can't wait until you hopefully get jobs up this way and we can do more things together
so happy birthday Kristie!!!
happy birthday to hallie on the 19th. do something fun. happy birthday to Raiden also on that day.
Hallie should know how my mother, her grandmother Taylor felt when she had twins on her birthday.
Hal, now you know what it feels like sharing a birthday.
anyway, happy birthday to all and to all a good night.
lov ya all
grandma L Rindy

Hallie said...

Thanks one and all for the Birthday wishes. It was fun to hear from everyone for our Birthday!